Can you believe we have already had 100 days of first grade!?!? Where has the time gone?! To help celebrate this monumental day we made hats, sang songs, talked about the number 100, and learned about the importance of the hundred place value. It was a day packed full of ALL things 100! Here are some pictures from our fabulous day! (I am hoping to have our 100th day song uploaded tomorrow on a new post! Check back soon for this! It is SO cute!)
One of my favorite things happened when we were writing about what the first graders would buy if they had $100. SO many of the kiddos said, "I would save it" or "I would give it to the poor" or "I would give it to charity." WOW! How humbling! They seriously remind me everyday the importance of giving and kindness. Truly just melts my heart!
Making 100th Day Necklaces to go with our hats and glasses!
100th Day is BIG! We wore big/baggy clothes today to help celebrate reading and our 100th day of school!
Being Silly! |
I hid 100 hearts ALL around Room 9 today! It was the firsties job to find ALL 100 and put them in the correct place on the blank 100 chart. As you can see, we are still missing a few! We will continue to hunt for these missing numbers! Especially, that pesky 100! :) I told the first graders, I bet it will take the rest of first grade to find that last 100! I think we *might* just find it on the last day of school!
It's hard to believe that we are now transitioning to start getting ready for second grade! We have had an amazing first 100 days of school and I am looking forward to the last half of the year!