Friday, September 27, 2013

Happy Homecoming!!

We celebrated Homecoming today at school! We had an absolute BLAST showing our Trojan pride! Enjoy the pictures from the wonderful parade! (Ask your child about all the Trojan chants and cheers we did while waiting for the parade!)

Happy Birthday!!

Today we celebrated the first birthday of the school year! Have a wonderful day, sweetheart!

Life Cycle of a Butterfly

In science we have been learning ALL about the life cycle of a butterfly. The firsties find the process of the butterfly life cycle truly fascinating! To help us remember all the different stages of a butterfly, we learned different yoga poses to help act out the changes!

Caterpillar- larva
Caterpillar- larva

Chrysalis- pupa
Chrysalis- pupa

Baby butterfly

Baby butterfly
Adult butterfly

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Happy Birthday Johnny Appleseed!

Today we celebrated Johnny Appleseed's birthday in Room 9! We learned all about John "Appleseed" Chapman and how he helped our country by planting so many apple trees! We even made hats to look like him and tasted some delicious local apples! :) It was a perfect day to be outside and enjoy these tasty treats!

Future Trojans!

To help celebrate Trojan Homecoming Week, the first graders got to pretend today to be a Trojan Cheerleader or a Trojan Football Player! It was SO adorable! (Please note: NONE of these poses were staged by me! They thought up all these fun ideas on their own! :) Too cute!) Here is a look at all of our FUTURE Trojans! 


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Stuffed Animal Day!

WOW! The first graders continue to amaze me with all their hard work and kindness towards one another! To help celebrate all of their hard work and success so far in first grade, the kids voted to have a "Stuffed Animal Day." Each child was able to bring in a stuffed animal from home to spend the day with us at school! The firsties thought it simply amazing to have these fun additions to our classroom! I hope you enjoy these pictures of our fun day together!