Thursday, September 27, 2012

Happy Birthday Johnny Appleseed!

Yesterday (September 26th) we celebrated John Chapman's (Johnny Appleseed) birthday! We talked about how he planted many apple orchards in the 1700's by walking all around and planting apple seeds. We made our own Johnny Appleseed "hats" because he was often seen with his cooking pot on his head! See the picture below of our class filled with Johnny Appleseeds! We also sampled some apples, watched a short video on Johnny, and voted on our favorite apple items. The vote consisted of apples, apple cider, apple juice, apple pie, and apple sauce. Apple pie was the big winner! Looks like we have some sweet tooth's in our class!! :)

Class Picture of Johnny Appleseed
Our class full of Johnny Appleseeds!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Happy Homecoming!

GO TROJANS! Today we were able to celebrate our Trojan pride and take part in some of the Homecoming festivities! We made New Prague visors and locker posters, watched the parade (collected LOTS of candy!), and took a vote on who we thought the big winner of tonight's game would be! Enjoy the pictures from our day filled with school spirit!

Class picture

Waiting for the parade to start!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Czech out Dozinky Days!

Unbaked Kolackys
Baked Kolackys

Happy Dozinky Days! We had so much fun learning more about the Czech culture, making Kolackys with New Prague's true expert "Grandma Marion", and learning to Polka! I don't know what the kids loved most, making the Kolackys, eating them, or having fun polkaing around the room!
Class picture with Grandma Marion

YUM! Time for Kolackys!

We had strawberry, raspberry, and apple kolackys. The class liked the apple kolackys the best!


We had SUCH a fabulous Friday in room 9.

I hope everyone had a great weekend at Dozinky Days and enjoyed the Car Cruise and the Parade. The firsties were SO excited to tell me all about the fun festivities that were had! :)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Bus Safety Week

Bus Safety Week

This week is "Bus Safety Week" at our school! We have been learning all about being safe on and around the bus and using good manners while on the bus. We will even have a practice evacuation on the bus on Thursday. One of the fun activities we completed during Bus Safety Week was making "Twinkie Buses." The pictures below showcase all the fun (and SUGAR!!) we had!

Green Table's Twinkie Buses

Red Table's Twinkie Buses

Black Table's Twinkie Buses

Yellow Tables Twinkie Buses 

Blue Tables Twinkie Buses

Orange Tables Twinkie Buses

First Days in First Grade!

We had a FANTASTIC first week in first grade! We were able to meet new friends, learn more about our classroom procedures, play team games, and so much more. Our "MAGIC DOUGH" even changed color, which means we are going to have such an amazing first grade year. :) Here are some pictures from our fabulous first week! Thanks for stopping by our blog! Please keep checking this site throughout the year to learn more about all the fun we are having in first grade!

 Our super, fantastic, wonderful class!