Sunday, November 25, 2012

50th Day!

Cruisin' back to the 50's!
Can you believe we have already had 50 days of first grade!?!? To help celebrate this milestone day of halfway to 100, we cruised back to the 1950's. We pulled out the poodle skirts, rolled up the jeans, and sported leather jackets! The kiddos especially loved all the 50's music throughout the day (Ask them to show you the Hand Jive!). We were able to complete math and writing activities centered around the number 50. A class favorite was writing a "How-To" book on "How-To Make a Rootbeer Float." (I think it was partially because we got to enjoy the yummy rootbeer floats afterwards! Thank you SO much to all those who helped make this possible by donating items for this delicious activity.)

The boys of the 1950s!
The girls of the 50's!

Strike a pose!
YUM! Rootbeer floats! (To find your child's picture, please visit our Shutterfly account!)
The first grade team traveled back to the 50's too! :)

Thanksgiving Feast

On Monday, November 19th we had an all school food drive and Thanksgiving Feast at lunch! To help celebrate Thanksgiving, we made Thanksgiving hats and learned all about the first Thanksgiving. Here are some of the pictures from the wonderful Thanksgiving at school! Thank you to all those who gave food for the food drive! As a school we collected over 32 boxes of food! (For more Thanksgiving Feast pictures, please check out our Shutterfly account!)
Our class is ready for the Feast!

YUM, lunch!

Enjoying their lunch!

Veteran's Day

Sam and his Dad
On Monday, November 12th, we celebrated Veteran's Day at our school. To honor all the Veteran's, we had a special program commemorating these very special people. During the program we learned about the five branches of the military, had a guest speaker from the Army, and sang a special song to all the Veteran's who could attend. The pictures below show parts of the assembly as well as some of the special guests we were honoring on this day!
The students and Veteran's at the assembly.

Colton and his Grandpa

Lunch in the Classroom

On Friday, November 9th we had a special lunch with many special guests! The firsties and their special guest(s) were able to enjoy lunch in our classroom! The students were SO excited to see everyone and had a blast! Thank you to all who could attend, you definitely made your first grader's day! :) Here are some great shots I was able to get while the lunch was happening!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day!

Today we celebrated Election Day in our first grade classroom! We celebrated by learning fun facts about each presidential candidate and their families, wearing red, white, and blue, and also conducting a "mock" vote in our classroom. The students were so intrigued about the voting process and were SO excited to tally our class votes! Our class total was- 12 votes for Romney and 8 votes for Obama! What a great day to celebrate and dig deeper into our Social Studies curriculum!
Our class poster of the tallied first grade votes!

Mala Strana

Every Monday, our class walks to Mala Strana to practice our reading by reading to a resident there. The students really enjoy this special time, as do all the residents at Mala. Here are some snapshots I was able to sneak in while the firsties were reading away to the residents. They are seriously just TOO precious!! Enjoy!

I don't know who enjoys this time more, the firsties or the residents at Mala! It is such a special opportunity and it just melts my heart watching the students in this new environment.

Pajama Day

Happy PJ Day!

We love to dress comfy!
The first graders filled our warm fuzzy jar again! They voted to have a class Pajama Day on Friday, November 2nd. They were so thrilled to be dressed comfy for our shortened day! Here are a few pictures from the exciting day!

Happy Halloween!

On Wednesday, October 31st we had our Harvest Party! During our party we were able to "mummy wrap" the moms, make "witches brew," eat snacks, play bingo, and try out our throwing skills in a pumpkin bean bag toss. I hope you enjoy these wonderful pictures from our party as much as I do! I always just adore all the firsties costumes!! :)
Happy Halloween!

We are SO lucky the Moms let us be Mummy Wrap Artists!! Thank you First Grade Moms!!

The kids just loved this!!!
With just the right magical touch, we were able to make magical, overflowing, witches brew! The kids reactions were priceless! (I will be sending out our top secret recipe via email for the parents to have!)

Check out our Shutterfly webpage for even more great pictures of the Harvest Party! :)