Friday, December 21, 2012

Reindeer Games

Our holiday themed party this year was "Reindeer Games." We made reindeer hats, played "reindeer games" (all of our favorite board games), made reindeer food, and ate reindeer snacks. It was so much fun to see the firsties just playing so nicely together! They had a blast being able to teach each other their favorite games. Here are some pictures from our afternoon!

Room 9 Reindeer!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Gingerbread Houses

Sugar, sugar, and MORE sugar! We had plenty of goodies and frosting to decorate our Gingerbread houses! The firsties LOVED making the houses and also snacking on the goodies as well. I don't think the firsties stopped smiling the entire 45 minutes of house making! (My personal favorite was that the firsties kept "mysteriously" running out of frosting....even though they had a face full of it! "No Ms. Pietsch, I hardly ate ANY frosting!" HA! Such innocent and sweet things!)

North Pole in Room 9

We turned Room 9 into the North Pole today! We made Elf hats, wrapped presents just like Elves, and even applied to be one of Santa's elves! It looked and sounded just like Santa's workshop! Some of my favorite comments in the Elf Applications were.. I would make a good Elf because...
"I am good at wrapping presents."
"I can make toys!"
"I can carry heavy toys."
"I am handy!"

We all had a blast making and wrapping our holiday presents!

Santa's newest elves?!?

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Mary Blackwehl visits our school!

A student in our very own class won our school a special visit from the author Mary Bleckwehl! Mrs. Bleckwehl visited with our firsties, read them one of her stories, and talked about how she creates her own stories to publish! The firsties were so excited to meet a real, live author! Mrs. Bleckwehl is the author of "Henry, You're Hungry Again?" and "Henry, You're Late Again!"

You can visit her own website for more information on her books and educational games! The website is:

Grinch Day!

To help celebrate the Holiday season, we had our very own "Grinch" day in first grade! We learned all about how the season is about giving, made Grinch-y crafts, and even had our very own "Grinch Punch" while watching the Grinch! Enjoy some of the photos from this fantastically "GRINCH-Y" day!

 YUM! Grinch Punch!! (Lime Sherbert and Sprite!)

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Super, Sneaky, Silent "e"

We have been learning all about CVCe words in first grade! To help remember the "sneaky e" rule, we made super hero puppets that make short vowels change their names to long vowel sounds. The firsties LOVED making new words with the puppets!