Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Mystery Reader #15

Our next mystery reader read the book Get Up and Go! We especially loved this book because in Room 9 we really love to get up, go, and exercise! :)

The mystery reader that shared this book with us was....

Mrs. Herrmann, our Phy. Ed. teacher!

Thanks for coming in and sharing this great book with us, Mrs. Herrmann!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Mystery Reader #14

Our next mystery reader really surprised her little sister when she knocked on the door!

Our 14th mystery reader in Room 9 was...

Thea, Ruby's older sister!

Thea read Moosetache  to us.

 Thank you for being such a great role model for the first graders, Thea! They look up to you!

Mystery Reader #13

One of the first grader's was able to solve the mystery of his mom coming to read to us by hearing these clues...
1. I have a dog.
2. I have one son and one daughter.
3. I LOVE chocolate!

After giving the third clue, Jack knew right away that his mom would be coming to read to us! Such good detectives!

Mrs. Hennen, Jack's Mom, came and read us Sam's Sandwich

Thank you so much for coming in and reading us such a FUNNY and silly book! We hope Sam's sister in the book doesn't really eat the sandwich filled with bugs! :)

Mystery Reader #12

Our next mystery reader read us a silly book about a balloon farm! ALL the first graders wished we could visit a real farm that grew such fun balloons!

This mystery reader was...

Mrs. Sticha, Brady's Grandma!

We all loved her book, Balloon Farm, and enjoyed a sweet treat from her afterwards! Thank you so much for reading to us and spoiling us with a treat Mrs. Sticha!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Mystery Reader #11

Our next mystery reader, read us Round Trip. This fun book you have to read all the way through one way, and then at the "end" you have to flip the book over and read the rest going back to the beginning! The first graders loved the way the pictures changed just by flipping the book!

The mystery reader of Round Trip was...

Mrs. Deneui, our art teacher!

Thank you for visiting our class and sharing such a neat book with us! We loved it!

Mystery Reader #10

We had another special guest join our classroom today to share another GREAT book! 
We were able to welcome...
Alexis, Colton's sister
into our classroom!
She read another crowd pleaser, Piggie Pie. What a great role model for our students! Thanks, Alexis!

Doubles Rap and Doubles iPods!

We started to learn about using "Doubles Power" with doubles addition this week in math. After we learned all the doubles, it was easy for us to add even harder equations like doubles +1 and doubles +2. To help us remember ALL the doubles up to 10, we learned a "Doubles Rap" and made doubles iPods to hold all of our doubles flashcards. It was a HUGE success and a big hit in our classroom! Enjoy the pictures and a short video clip of all this "double" fun!

We LOVE doubles!

Here is a portion of our FAMOUS "Doubles Rap!"

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Mystery Reader #9

The next mystery reader is a real celebrity here at Falcon Ridge! The kids were so excited to welcome....
Mr. Giesen, our principal!

He read us a very silly book, We Share Everything, and the firsties thought it was just hilarious! He also took time to answer some questions we had written to him in a VERY large friendly letter. Thank you for coming into our classroom and sharing a great book with us! It made the first grader's day!

Thank you, Mr. Giesen!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Mystery Reader #8

The firsties are becoming real detectives with the mystery reader clues! They thought of great connections and are remembering little details about people they know so they are able to solve the mystery of who is coming into our classroom! Our next mystery reader gave great clues, but the firsties cracked the code and knew it was....
Ms. Boyer, our music teacher!

Thank you for taking time to come into our classroom and show us your love for reading!

Mystery Reader #7

We had our seventh mystery reader today! She used some pretty tricky clues, but Kaelyn was still able to guess that our mystery reader was...
Her mom, Amy!

Thank you so much for reading How to Babysit a Grandpa! We loved this silly book and I think the firsties think they will have to "babysit" their grandparents now! Thank you for sharing such a cute book with us! We were still laughing about it throughout the day! :)

Friday, February 15, 2013

Mystery Readers #6

We had 2 special guests visit us on Friday afternoon to read us Sam the Firefly
Mrs. Hatlevig and Cole
 were able to share a family favorite with us!

 Cole took turns with his mom to read us his favorite parts! He was like a celebrity in Room 9 on Friday afternoon! We loved having you both in our class! Thank you for sharing your love of reading with us!

Mystery Reader #5

She gave us great hints and clues! Our fifth mystery reader in Room 9 was......
 Kaelyn's Grandma, Mrs. Most!

Thank you for sharing your amazing book with us! We absolutely LOVED the real photographs in it!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Mystery Reader #4

And the mystery reader on Valentine's Day was.... Jill!

Thank you so much for coming and reading a Valentine's Day book to us! We loved it!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Mystery Reader #3

Today a special grandparent was able to join us as our mystery reader! He read Room on the Broom! It was a silly story and the firsties loved it! Thank you SO much for taking time out of your day to come and read with us Papa Greg!

100th Day Song!

Here is a clip from our 100th day song! :) Hope you enjoy it as much as we did!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

100th Day!

Can you believe we have already had 100 days of first grade!?!? Where has the time gone?! To help celebrate this monumental day we made hats, sang songs, talked about the number 100, and learned about the importance of the hundred place value. It was a day packed full of ALL things 100! Here are some pictures from our fabulous day! (I am hoping to have our 100th day song uploaded tomorrow on a new post! Check back soon for this! It is SO cute!)

One of my favorite things happened when we were writing about what the first graders would buy if they had $100. SO many of the kiddos said, "I would save it" or "I would give it to the poor" or "I would give it to charity." WOW! How humbling! They seriously remind me everyday the importance of giving and kindness. Truly just melts my heart!

Making 100th Day Necklaces to go with our hats and glasses!

 100th Day is BIG! We wore big/baggy clothes today to help celebrate reading and our 100th day of school!
Being Silly!

I hid 100 hearts ALL around Room 9 today! It was the firsties job to find ALL 100 and put them in the correct place on the blank 100 chart. As you can see, we are still missing a few! We will continue to hunt for these missing numbers! Especially, that pesky 100! :) I told the first graders, I bet it will take the rest of first grade to find that last 100! I think we *might* just find it on the last day of school!

It's hard to believe that we are now transitioning to start getting ready for second grade! We have had an amazing first 100 days of school and I am looking forward to the last half of the year!

Get "Tied" into a Good Book and Mystery Reader #2

Monday's theme was Get "Tied" into a Good Book! To help celebrate reading, we wore ties!
Looking sharp!

We also had our second mystery reader on Monday as well! Mrs. Schneider came in to read to our class! She read Curious George and spoiled us with goldfish crackers! We loved meeting the Schneider clan and really enjoyed having you all in our classroom! Thank you again for taking time out of your day to show us your love for reading!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Mystery Reader #1

Our first mystery reader for our class was Mrs. Helgestad! The students really enjoyed trying to solve the "mystery" of who our reader would be for the day! We are looking forward to a month full of "mystery" readers! Thank you SO much for coming in and reading to our class today, Mrs. Helgestad!

Friday, February 1, 2013

I LOVE to Read Month!

February is "I LOVE to Read" month! To help kickoff this month and to celebrate reading, we will be wearing our "I Read" t-shirts every Friday in the month of February. Here is a picture on our first February of the month! Keep reading every day!
We LOVE to Read!!