Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Thanksgiving FEAST!

Today we celebrated Thanksgiving at school! We made Thanksgiving centerpieces for our feast, hats for the lunch, and talked about all the wonderful things we are thankful for! :)

Here are some of the many things the first graders came up with to remind us what we should be thankful for: :)
"Air to breath." 
"A home to live in."
"People, otherwise Earth would be an empty space planet."
"School to learn."
"Our families!"

We had such a wonderful discussion about the MANY things we have to celebrate and be thankful for this holiday season! Here are some sweet pictures from our feast today!


The MAYOR visits first graders!

Today, the New Prague Mayor came to visit and talk with our first graders! We have been learning all about community helpers and it was so much fun to welcome our very own community helper to our school! Here is a picture of Mr. Chuck Nickolay speaking to the first graders.

Happy Birthday!

We celebrated another birthday in Room 9 today! Our friend Alexis doesn't turn 7 until Sunday, so we celebrated early! Have a wonderful birthday sweetheart!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Celebrity of the Week!

We had another friend present all about himself to our class today! We loved learning ALL about Easton! He is a master at Legos! :)

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Cruisin' Back to the 50's for the 50th Day!!

We had such a wonderful time celebrating our 50th day of first grade! We cruised back to the 50's! We learned all about the 1950's and centered our day around the number 50! We played games and completed activites that helped to reinforce the number 50, made "How-to Books" on how to make root beer floats, made rootbeer floats, and danced to 1950's music! This is truly one of my favorite days of the year!! Thank you so much to all the families who volunteered to bring in items for this special day! 

The first graders LOVED the rootbeer floats! :)

Monday, November 18, 2013

Happy Birthday!!

On Friday we celebrated another first grader turning 7! :) Happy, happy birthday sweet girl!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Pajama Day!

The first graders worked so hard to fill our warm, fuzzy jar and they voted to have a class "Pajama Day!" The firsties LOVED wearing comfy pjs and their adorable slippers!! Here are a few pictures from our day!


Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Celebrity of the Week

We had another student present all about herself today by being our very own "Celebrity of the Week!" Thank you Alexis for sharing with us and letting us learn more about you! :)

Monday, November 11, 2013

Veterans' Day!

We were able to celebrate Veterans' Day today by holding a special ceremony for all of our Veterans! The presentation included the band, MANY veterans, a moving speech by a Veteran, and concluded with a wonderful Thank You Veterans' song (performed by ALL the students at Falcon Ridge.) We would like to say a big THANK YOU to all of our Veterans!!!