Thursday, February 27, 2014

Mystery Reader!

We had the opportunity to have another mystery reader in our class today! The clues she left us were:
1. My son wrestles.
2. We have a dog named Dakota.
3. I have a son and a daughter.
4. We have a cabin we like to go to in the summer.
5. My husband is a police officer.

Colin guessed right away that it was his mom! Colin's mom and little sister joined us today to read a class FAVORITE, Frozen!  Thank you for coming in to our classroom today!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Celebrity of the Week

Today we had the chance to learn more about our friend Emalie! She is our Celebrity of the Week this week! Her mom also joined us and read a part of Emalie's new favorite book! 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Mystery Reader

We had another mystery reader join our class today! Kayla's Grandpa and Grandma came in and read us a VERY silly Gingerbread Man book! They also brought in fun coloring sheets! Thank you so much for joining us today! 

Monday, February 24, 2014

Mystery Reader!

We had another wonderful mystery reader join our class today! Nina's Grandma came into our classroom and read Are You My Mother? The first graders loved it!

Happy 1/2 Birthday!

Happy 1/2 Birthday (on Friday) to our first grade friend! (We celebrated today, Monday February 24th, due to all the snow!!) 

Turning 100 for our 100th Day!

We celebrated our 100th day today! We learned a 100th day song, completed 100 day math activities, and even turned ourselves to look like we were 100 years old! We used a new app on our iPads to make the first graders "look" like they were 100 years old! They were able to select different props and hair styles to make "their look" all their own! We also then wrote about what the first graders think they will be doing when they are 100 years old! This was one of our favorite activities of the year!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Mystery Reader #2!

We had our second mystery reader today! Her clues were:
1. I have 3 kids.
2.My favorite ice cream is Mint Chocolate Chip.
3. I love to go camping in the summer.
4. I have never been to China.
5. I teach at New Prague High School.

Audrey was able to guess her mom right away!! She came and read us a very silly book called Guess Again! The first graders absolutely loved having you in our classroom Mrs. Olson and LOVED the book you shared! 

Monday, February 10, 2014

Doubles RAP!

We have been learning all about doubles addition facts this past week! To help us memorize our doubles fact through 10 we learned a new song! We hope you like it! :)

Friday, February 7, 2014

Celebrity of the Week

Colin was our "Celebrity of the Week" this week! We loved learning all about Colin and having his Mom read Miss Nelson has a Field Day! What a fun day! 

Lunch in the Classrom

We had our second trimester Lunch in the Classroom today! The first graders absolutely LOVED having visitors into our room! Thank you so much to all that could make it! 

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Our First Mystery Reader!

February is "I LOVE to Read Month!" So to help celebrate this month, we will be having different mystery readers come into our classroom! The students LOVE having guest readers! 
Here are the first five clues from our very first mystery reader!
1. I have blonde curly hair.
2. We have a dog and two cats at home.
3. We live outside of New Prague.
4. Our family loves the snow!
5. My daughter is in Ms. Pietsch's class.

So, our first mystery reader was.....

Nora's mom, Natalie! Thanks for coming in to our classroom today!