Friday, March 28, 2014

Celebrity of the Week

This week Nina was our "Celebrity of the Week!" We learned all about our good friend Nina and her mom read us a silly book about Catalina Magdalena Hoopensteiner Wallendiner Hogan Logan Bogan! The firsties were trying to say Catalina's tongue twister of a name for the rest of the day! So much fun!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Happy Birthday!

Not only was today the first official day of spring, but it was also a special day for Tessa in our classroom! We celebrated her 7th birthday today as well! Happy Birthday!

Happy First Day of Spring!

Although the temperatures aren't quite reflecting spring yet, we still celebrated the FIRST day of SPRING with a spring picnic in Room 9! We weaved our own place mats and had a wonderful time eating lunch together in our room, "picnic style" of course! 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Celebrity of the Week

This week we celebrated Madee being our "Celebrity of the Week!" We had a great time learning all about our first grade friend!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Happy St. Patrick's Day from Room 9! (A day late!! :) Since we were gone for most of the day yesterday, we celebrated St. Patrick's Day today in our classroom! A "pesky" leprechaun even made a surprise visit to our classroom and left green footprints and glitter ALL over our tables and made a mess in our classroom! We also made these adorable rainbow hats! The students loved writing about all the things they are LUCKY to have! We had so much fun!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Field Trip to River Bend Nature Center!

After re-RE-scheduling our field trip, we FINALLY made it to River Bend! Although the snow didn't exactly cooperate, we still learned SO much about animal adaptations! We were able to learn and even touch different animals (ask your child about the blue tongued lizard!). We were also able to experience how birds different beaks help them to survive in the wild through differing activities. It was a WONDERFUL day! THANK YOU to all the parent volunteers on the trip!

We LOVED our trip to RiverBend!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Happy Birthday!

One of our first grade friends celebrated her birthday over spring break! We hope you enjoyed your day! 

Monday, March 3, 2014

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!

Sunday, March 2nd was Dr. Seuss' Birthday! To help celebrate this well known and loved author we read all sorts of Dr. Seuss books, made Cat in the Hats, turned ourselves into the Cat in the Hat or the Things (iPad app!!),  wrote about Thing 1 and Thing 2, ate One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, and Blue Fish (rainbow colored goldfish!), and watched a short video of Cat in the Hat. It was a wonderful way to start our week!

2 Mystery Reader in One Day!

We had a very exciting last day of "I LOVE to Read Month!" We had 2 mystery reader visitors!

First, Nate's mom came in to read us her all time favorite books! She read Put Me In a Zoo and There is a Monster at the End of this Book! The kids really enjoyed both! Thank you for coming to read to us Mrs. Erickson! 

Our second mystery reader was Nina's Mom! She came to read us The Paper Bag Princess. It was so much fun to interact with this book! Thank you for coming in to our classroom Mrs. Mathiowetz!