Sunday, December 9, 2012

Holiday Share

Look at all the things we bought for our Holiday Share!
WOW! To say our first graders (and their families) are generous would be an understatement! The first graders worked so hard to donate, earn, and bring in money for our Holiday Share Project. With all the funds raised, we were able to purchase a large amount of clothing and shoes for the little boy assigned to our class. (You can see all of these wonderful things above.) The students were SO excited to see all the items and were so proud to have made such a huge impact! THANK YOU so much for all your support with this! The firsties kept saying how much they thought the little boy would love his new gifts. The gift of giving is so powerful and I was so impressed with the generosity of all the students!

To help celebrate all the wonderful deeds and giving done by our school, we had an all school morning meeting on Wednesday, December 5th. Our entire school was able to see all the wonderful gifts being given at the meeting. We also talked about the importance of all they had done and were able to celebrate by having a special presentation of our new school song sung to us! (I am currently working on uploading the video. Stay tuned for this!)
We're ready for our ALL school morning meeting! :)

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