Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Sing into Spring!!

Our First Grade Concert last evening was a HUGE success! The first graders did a wonderful job using their best singing voices and they were so brave and smiley in front of such a large audience! I was telling the firsties that I think the concert ranks up there as one of my favorite memories from our year! Please enjoy some pictures and a short video of the songs from last night. THANK YOU so much for all who attended and for helping us all get ready for this big event! 

Celebrity of the Week

Our "Celebrity of the Week" this week was Emily! We learned all about our friend Emily and her mom came in to read us a silly book! Thanks for sharing with us, Emily! 

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Happy Grand Person's/Special Person's Day!

Today we celebrated all the grandparents and special people in the first graders lives! We invited all the grand parents and special people to school today for some fun first grade activities! To help get ready for this event we made projects for our grandparents, near and far! All the first graders made projects for a special person and were either able to give them to their guests at school or brought them home for the next time they are able to see these very special people! The first graders truly enjoyed being the "teacher" and showing their guests of honor all the wonderful things happening in first grade! THANK YOU so much for all who were able to attend! The first graders absolutely love sharing our classroom with you! Here are some snapshots I was able to capture! Enjoy!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

We are the Lorax, We Speak for the Trees!

Happy Earth Day! Today we celebrated Earth Day in Room 9 by becoming The Lorax. We brainstormed many different ways we can help our Earth and Reduce, Recycle, and Reuse! The first graders are so passionate about being great leaders and helping our Earth! Can you find your Lorax firstie below?! :) 

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not."-Dr. Seuss

Here are some samples of the wonderful Lorax writing as well!

The first graders kindness and awesome writing skills continue to amaze me! 

Monday, April 21, 2014

Go Noodle!

We have a new favorite in Room 9! It's Go Noodle! Go Noodle is a "brain break" website that has various brain break activities and videos for the first graders to follow along on the projector. We are the "Pietsch's Peaches" and it saves our account and all of our progress on the brain breaks. What I absolutely love about this site is that it has a variety of videos that are CALMING, ENERGIZING, and promote FOCUS! Check out the website and you can even create a free account for your child at home! :)

It is:

Here is a screen shot of what the main page of GoNoOdle looks like!