Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Daily Five!

We have really been working hard in our classroom the last two months! The firsties are now able to "Read to Self," "Read to Someone," complete "WoW (Work on Writing) Time," and "Listen to Reading!" They are able to choose three of these each day to complete for 20 minutes each. While completing these activities they are building STAMINA and are growing as readers and writers. I am so impressed with every student's work ethic! Here are some pictures of what a typical morning in Room 9 looks like! We will be adding "Word Work" next week in our Daily Five time to practice word patterns and spelling. Enjoy! :)

The students are selecting "Just Right" books. This means they are picking out books to put in their book boxes that they are able to read independently. We use the acronym "I PICK" to help us!

 I-I select the book.
P- Purpose. Why do I want to read this book?
I-Interest. Does this book interest me?
C-Comprehend. Do I understand this book?
K-Know. Do I know most of the words?
Listening to Reading on the MP3 players!

Small Group Reading. Using our "magic reading glasses" to help us read tough words!

More Listening to Reading on our MP3 players!

WoW Time! (Work on Writing) The students are able to journal and write stories during this time.

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