Sunday, October 28, 2012

Red Ribbon Week

Throughout the week of October 22-26, our school celebrated Red Ribbon Week. We had different "dress up" days for each day of the week to help remind the students to say "NO!" to drugs and peer pressure. We were able to end the week with an all school morning meeting! Mr. Giesen had trouble remembering all the dress up days, so to make up for the days he missed he combined all of our fun dress up days into one outfit at our morning meeting! :) The firsties thought this was just TOO hilarious! What a great way to end our week! Enjoy!
His hat was for Monday's "Put a cap on drugs", his boots are for Tuesday's "Stomp out drugs", his pink shirt was for Wednesday's "I'm too bright for drugs" (All grade levels had different colors assigned to them, staff was assigned pink shirts! :)), his socks were for Thursday's "Sock it to drugs", and his Minnesota Gopher's Tie was for "Team up against drugs." 

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